News Article
President's Letter
Published on: April 2, 2009
Greetings from The WBCT !!
I can’t believe it’s April already. After a very successful run of “GOD’S FAVORITE”, it’s time for our second show “SABRINA FAIR”, and by all indications it will be keeping our run of good, successful shows intact. As we continue to work on each show, I am proud of our group as everyone shares their time, talents and energy.
I had a goal of growing in numbers not only of our audiences but our membership as well; to help us grow in popularity among our community and also to help us grow in our own education and experience with the theater as a whole. Our group has done that and so much more. I think we have the best little “show” house in Georgia and believe our dedicated and loyal audiences with back me up on that.
As our season progresses, we would like thank everyone involved in our efforts this year from the actors, directors, stage managers, props people and production help to everyone who pitches in with concessions, the box office, set building and all the other facets it takes to make a show successful.
We are so much more than a team, we are a family. And like any family we have a wide assortment of opinions, ideas and personalities. It is these differences that make us strong, versatile and unique.
We are excited about our remaining productions and look forward to the opportunity to help bring the very best entertainment to our community. We hope that you, our audience, will continue to support us through your attendance and patronage. I guarantee you’ll enjoy each and every minute spent with us in the Colleen O. Williams Theater building.
We are WBCT and proud of it!!
We’ll see you at the theater!
Tery Overbey
President Winder Barrow Community Theatre
And No.2 Grunt