News Article
Drama Camp Registration May 1st
Published on: April 12, 2017
Registration for the WBCT Drama Camp in June will begin on May 1st. If you do not receive the registration forms from WBCT in a Camp e-mail, you can request them from Camp dates are June 12-16 and June 26-30.
Camp is $35 for the week and includes a t-shirt and all snacks and materials. The registration fee MUST accompany the forms when they are turned in at Pam Veader's State Farm Insurance Office at 41 S. Center Street in Winder. This office is south of Sonic on Center Street. Forms can be turned in starting on MAY 1st. They will not be taken earlier. They must be printed, signed, and completed before the registration will be complete.
Each student can attend one week of camp. Children ages 5 (must have completed Kindergarten) to 9 will attend the morning sessions from 9:00 am to noon. Children ages 10 to 14 will attend the afternoon sessions from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
Registration is on a first come first serve basis. After the sessions are full, we will have a waiting list in case somebody is unable to attend at the last minute.
There is a mail slot in Pam's office door so you can drop off your registration forms and money starting on May 1st. Make sure all of your forms are complete before turning them in. We cannot accept e-mail or faxed forms since the $35 must accompany the forms.